Global warming has become the crucial point at issue these days. In accordance with a study, the average clime of the earth could rise by 2 degree Celsius to 6 degree Celsius by the end of the 21st century. In fact, between 1873 and 2012, these 139 years were the warmest years of the past 1400 years. Can you imagine, today’s average aridity of the USA only, is 55 degree Fahrenheit, while it was about 54.4 degree Fahrenheit in the last year. Rise of 0.6 degrees in just  a year. Then what will be the situation in next ten years.

In addition to the above study, one other study explains the main dialectic for this horrible climate change and tells that the emergence of greenhouse gases is the most influencing dialectic for such global warming. The highest percentage of the greenhouse gases come out by from burning fossil fuels, which are majorly used to produce electricity. According to the report of the U.S Environmental Protection Energy (EPA), the HVAC systems ante up in most of the electricity consumption in the USA. Hence, in order to reduce the consequences of global warming, we ought to either lessen the use of the HVAC systems or attune them regularly, so that they can be used at their best, hence chiming in reducing the greenhouse gas emersion.

EPA suggests that, if proper air conditioning maintenance New York is done, then it can be worthwhile to the reduced CO gas emersion, which further helps in global warming. In the US, an average homeowner spends $2,200 yearly only in electricity bills, out of which half bill comes from the HVAC system. Thereupon, if we try to use our systems efficiently, it could ante up in the diminishing global warming in a way or another.

Consequently, in a nutshell, the moral of the story discusses about taking smart decisions while using heating and cooling devices, in case it becomes a bit facial to save electricity and save our lives at the end.

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